I like
Jakob Nielsen's recent
post on usability issues for the mobile web. Considering that many e-learning professionals see mobile learning or "
m-learning" as the next big thing, and given the huge amount of time and budget and development that is already associated with online learning, it is kind of scary to think of creating a "mobile" version of e-learning applications specifically for mobile devices.
Tony Karrer has some interesting insights into the topic where he mentions
According to this recent article from the BBC that outlines a '
Mobile health' campaign launched, and another article on the
mHealth Alliance on mobile health and NGOs, mobile or "m-health" is also a rapidly growing area (thanks to Raj for sending me these links). There will be particular issues with security and usability for this audience.
Not surprisingly, it looks like there will be even more design and usability issues to consider with the evolution of m-learning.

Photo courtesy of Flickr creative commons: Treasuremytext for iPhone: SpringBoard by katielips.