Thursday, January 14, 2010

Digital Curators

Digital curating -- sifting through the pieces of our technology puzzle...

A colleague passed along an article called "The Content Strategist as Digital Curator" by Erin Scime (December, 2009). I like the term "digital curator" for people who work with digital artifacts of all kinds, since so much of our culture is now online and/or digitized.

There seems to be great possibility in using the curatorial process in our Information Age, when there is such a glut of online information -- it's difficult to sift through it all, but perhaps considering the value of how as well as what we curate as digital artifacts will help us make meaningful connections.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Open Access Concept Map, OERs

Laura Briggs has posted a comphrehensive concept map illustrating connections in Open Access initiatives. I recommend checking it out.

I'll be presenting with Richard Hayman at the upcoming Alberta Libraries Conference on Open Education Resources (OERs) and libraries -- ALC 2010 promises to have an interesting program.