Interesting to look at the newest predictions and recommendations from the Horizon Report. Makes me wonder exactly who is really that close to full mobile computing adoption in 2009?
A recent email from EDUCAUSE describes the following:
"The 2010 Horizon Report, a joint undertaking of the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI) and the New Media Consortium (NMC), is nearing completion. As you know, the annual Horizon Report identifies six technologies that will be key for teaching and learning in higher education.
As a partner with NMC in the report's preparation, ELI would like to invite you to participate in one of the final stages--gathering examples of the technologies featured in the report. This work can be in almost any form: production or pilot programs, research projects, faculty undertakings, or evaluation/assessment projects. It can involve any of the six technologies listed below. The intent is to give readers a more concrete sense of how these technologies will play out in the context of teaching and learning in higher education.
Here are the six areas identified for this year's report:
Mobile Computing
Open Content
Electronic Books
Simple Augmented Reality
Gesture-Based Computing
Visual Data Analysis
The time-to-adoption horizon indicates how long the advisory board feels it will be until a significant number of campuses are using each of these technologies broadly. Innovative faculty and campuses are already working in some of these areas, and this is where you come in.
A preview of the 2010 report, containing more detail as well as the trends and challenges presented in the report, is available at"
Do you think we're really that close?
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
Copyright in Canada: New Responses
Michael Geist, Canada's resident guru on (and, advocate for) the future of Canadian copyright law recently blogged about Project Gutenberg Canada's response that is focused on public domain issues.
You can access the Speak Out on Copyright website by clicking on this image:

For those in the education/e-learning community who are following the ongoing debate about copyright legislation in Canada, you might be interested in this response from the Canadian Network for Innovation in Education:
CNIE Response to Federal Copyright
August 2009
See the full PDF here.
After consulting with it's membership, CNIE's Board of Directors submitted the attached position paper to the Canadian government's electronic consultation on a future Canadian Copyright law. PLease feel free to share this position paper with your colleagues at work and within your networks so as to encourage others to share their views with the government. You can also share CNIE's position paper with your Member of Parliament. The more people who make themselves heard on the topic of a furture Canadian Copyright Law and it's impact in and on the education, library and research sectors, the more likely Canadians are to have a future Canadian Copyright law that appropriately and adequately responds to the needs of all Canadians.
You can access the Speak Out on Copyright website by clicking on this image:

For those in the education/e-learning community who are following the ongoing debate about copyright legislation in Canada, you might be interested in this response from the Canadian Network for Innovation in Education:
CNIE Response to Federal Copyright
August 2009
See the full PDF here.
After consulting with it's membership, CNIE's Board of Directors submitted the attached position paper to the Canadian government's electronic consultation on a future Canadian Copyright law. PLease feel free to share this position paper with your colleagues at work and within your networks so as to encourage others to share their views with the government. You can also share CNIE's position paper with your Member of Parliament. The more people who make themselves heard on the topic of a furture Canadian Copyright Law and it's impact in and on the education, library and research sectors, the more likely Canadians are to have a future Canadian Copyright law that appropriately and adequately responds to the needs of all Canadians.
Monday, July 20, 2009
eInfrastructure Use Cases (EIUs Project)
This eInfrastructure Use Cases and service usage models project out of the UK looks exciting. I really like the idea of sharing workflows and research objects in myExperiment -- repurposing these kinds of data and workflows will enable much richer forms of research and scholarship.
Reading about the service-oriented, shareable approach reminded me of Richard Baraniuk's inspirational talk at the 2009 Canadian E-Learning Conference. The more we can look at flexible and sustainable ways of sharing research and educational information, the more potential there is for furthering the connections between disciplines, delivery mechanisms, and content areas.
EIUs Project Videos
Archaeology : eIUS e-Infrastructure Case Study
See the YouTube video.
Bioinformatics : eIUS e-Infrastructure Case Study
See the YouTube video.
Reading about the service-oriented, shareable approach reminded me of Richard Baraniuk's inspirational talk at the 2009 Canadian E-Learning Conference. The more we can look at flexible and sustainable ways of sharing research and educational information, the more potential there is for furthering the connections between disciplines, delivery mechanisms, and content areas.
EIUs Project Videos
Archaeology : eIUS e-Infrastructure Case Study
See the YouTube video.
Bioinformatics : eIUS e-Infrastructure Case Study
See the YouTube video.
PIctorial COmmunication Language (PICOL)
I just stumbled across a neat online library of icons called PICOL; I think I'm going to experiment and give it a try. In many cases, simple visual ways of communicating just seem so much more effective, especially when there is a standard in place to help create consistency and usability.
My PICOL image:
According to the PIctorial COmmunication Language website, "PICOL stands for PIctorial COmmunication Language and is a project to find a standard and reduced sign system for electronic communication. PICOL is free to use and open to alter."
My PICOL image:
According to the PIctorial COmmunication Language website, "PICOL stands for PIctorial COmmunication Language and is a project to find a standard and reduced sign system for electronic communication. PICOL is free to use and open to alter."
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Gov. Schwarzenegger terminates textbooks
This article really highlights the wide range of issues that the ever emerging area of learning-technology faces.
Toronto Star, Saturday June 14th:
Gov. Schwarzenegger terminates textbooks
But critics say his cost- cutting shift to digital classrooms is premature
I'm highly skeptical that this transition will be seamless; I imagine it will be anything but. It's really important for some infrastructure and decision-making to occur before this kind of huge transition of this nature. But, there is one point that I agree with in the article: that just like Kennedy's goal of reaching the moon, this will definitely be a catalyst for change and achieving innovations.
Toronto Star, Saturday June 14th:
Gov. Schwarzenegger terminates textbooks
But critics say his cost- cutting shift to digital classrooms is premature
I'm highly skeptical that this transition will be seamless; I imagine it will be anything but. It's really important for some infrastructure and decision-making to occur before this kind of huge transition of this nature. But, there is one point that I agree with in the article: that just like Kennedy's goal of reaching the moon, this will definitely be a catalyst for change and achieving innovations.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Sneeze Game
I just found David Rothman's site --there's a lot of stuff here for medical librarianship, but I have to say that his most recent post on the Sneeze: Flash Flu Fun game that's posted on there; I highly recommend it!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Google Wave: The Next Generation of e-Communications?
By announcing that the new Google Wave is opensource, Google is capitalizing on power of the opensource community to help finish the Wave's development. According to webmetricsguru, Wave will enable new architecture that allows building of new applications -- Wave has the potential to "deconstruct what a document is" and enable further collaboration on documents, as well as the possibilities for art, analytics, not to mention new forms of Google marketing (see Social Media Today's article).
Will this really "make life easier" as many tech bloggers and twitter folk are stating? Am I old-fashioned because I like having separate ways to communicate online, including the difference between private email messages, public blog posts, (semi)private instant messages, etc? Do we really want to integrate *everything*? I like integration where it makes sense, but too much integration could be scary; how will this affect privacy and security?
Google Wave YouTube Video (posted on May 28, 2009 and as of May 31, 2009 almost 1 million views).
Will this really "make life easier" as many tech bloggers and twitter folk are stating? Am I old-fashioned because I like having separate ways to communicate online, including the difference between private email messages, public blog posts, (semi)private instant messages, etc? Do we really want to integrate *everything*? I like integration where it makes sense, but too much integration could be scary; how will this affect privacy and security?
Google Wave YouTube Video (posted on May 28, 2009 and as of May 31, 2009 almost 1 million views).
Friday, May 22, 2009
State of E-Learning in Canada - Report
Yesterday, the Canadian Council on Learning (CCL) posted their report on the "State of E-Learning in Canada." It highlights some interesting trends in online learning for Canadians -- I particularly like their profile of e-learning for students in first nations communities, students in elementary and secondary schools, students with disabilities, and students in a post-secondary environment.
"Many Canadians go online to pursue learning opportunities. In 2007, one-half (50%) of all home users (16 and older) went online for the purposes of education, training or school work."
- State of E-Learning in Canada, CCL
The CCL also posted a great fact-sheet that summarizes some key points to take away from the ever-growing e-learning trends, including:
"How does e-learning help Canadians learn?
E-learning provides Canadians the flexibility to learn at their own pace at any stage in the lifespan—thereby fostering positive attitudes about the value of lifelong learning.
• Self-directed: Learners can choose content and tools appropriate to their differing interests, needs, and skill levels.
• Reduces physical and geographical barriers: More educational options to learners with disabilities, and those living in remote areas.
• Timely: Learning can be delivered and learned when desired or necessary."
It will be interesting to see if the promise of web 2.0, social software, and other e-learning trends will actually result in more effective learning in addition to increased flexibility, and if we'll be able to add words like "engagement, interaction, community connections, authentic learning" to the list of things that e-learning enables.
"Many Canadians go online to pursue learning opportunities. In 2007, one-half (50%) of all home users (16 and older) went online for the purposes of education, training or school work."
- State of E-Learning in Canada, CCL
The CCL also posted a great fact-sheet that summarizes some key points to take away from the ever-growing e-learning trends, including:
"How does e-learning help Canadians learn?
E-learning provides Canadians the flexibility to learn at their own pace at any stage in the lifespan—thereby fostering positive attitudes about the value of lifelong learning.
• Self-directed: Learners can choose content and tools appropriate to their differing interests, needs, and skill levels.
• Reduces physical and geographical barriers: More educational options to learners with disabilities, and those living in remote areas.
• Timely: Learning can be delivered and learned when desired or necessary."
It will be interesting to see if the promise of web 2.0, social software, and other e-learning trends will actually result in more effective learning in addition to increased flexibility, and if we'll be able to add words like "engagement, interaction, community connections, authentic learning" to the list of things that e-learning enables.
Friday, February 20, 2009
This Medpedia project looks quite promising.
According to the creators of Medpedia:
"Editors are now collaborating on the Medpedia Project to collect the best information about health, medicine and the body and make it freely available worldwide. Only physicians and Ph.D.s in a biomedical field are allowed to make edits directly to the Article pages. However, everyone is encouraged to contribute by using the "Suggest Changes" link at the top of each Article page."

"Editors are now collaborating on the Medpedia Project to collect the best information about health, medicine and the body and make it freely available worldwide. Only physicians and Ph.D.s in a biomedical field are allowed to make edits directly to the Article pages. However, everyone is encouraged to contribute by using the "Suggest Changes" link at the top of each Article page."
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
M-learning and Usability
I like Jakob Nielsen's recent post on usability issues for the mobile web. Considering that many e-learning professionals see mobile learning or "m-learning" as the next big thing, and given the huge amount of time and budget and development that is already associated with online learning, it is kind of scary to think of creating a "mobile" version of e-learning applications specifically for mobile devices. Tony Karrer has some interesting insights into the topic where he mentions mLearnopedia.
According to this recent article from the BBC that outlines a 'Mobile health' campaign launched, and another article on the mHealth Alliance on mobile health and NGOs, mobile or "m-health" is also a rapidly growing area (thanks to Raj for sending me these links). There will be particular issues with security and usability for this audience.
Not surprisingly, it looks like there will be even more design and usability issues to consider with the evolution of m-learning.

Photo courtesy of Flickr creative commons: Treasuremytext for iPhone: SpringBoard by katielips.
According to this recent article from the BBC that outlines a 'Mobile health' campaign launched, and another article on the mHealth Alliance on mobile health and NGOs, mobile or "m-health" is also a rapidly growing area (thanks to Raj for sending me these links). There will be particular issues with security and usability for this audience.
Not surprisingly, it looks like there will be even more design and usability issues to consider with the evolution of m-learning.

Photo courtesy of Flickr creative commons: Treasuremytext for iPhone: SpringBoard by katielips.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Neat Way to Animate (for free!)
GoAnimate Demo: Star Trek Launch from GoAnimate on Vimeo.
This tool looks like it might be a fun, visually rich way of communicating and creating mini-animations. I'm going to give it a whirl to see what kinds of cool things I can come up with (and, to see if they can be educational). Thanks to Raj for sending me the link.
This tool looks like it might be a fun, visually rich way of communicating and creating mini-animations. I'm going to give it a whirl to see what kinds of cool things I can come up with (and, to see if they can be educational). Thanks to Raj for sending me the link.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Twitter and Health 2.0
(if the above presentation doesn't fit the screen, click here to see it on the VizEdu site)
This presentation is done by Bertalan Meskóthe, a medical student and the same person behind the PeRSSonalized Medicine and Webcina. I'm not sure if we'll really be using Twitter within Healthcare as Bertalan outlines, but it's an interesting concept.
PeRSSonalized Medicine
Personalized Medicine (beta)
For busy clinicians who don't necessarily have time to use their own news aggregator, this tool could be useful for helping to managing pieces of information. The creator dubs it as a way to keep up-to-date and create your own "medical journal" through a personalized space.
For busy clinicians who don't necessarily have time to use their own news aggregator, this tool could be useful for helping to managing pieces of information. The creator dubs it as a way to keep up-to-date and create your own "medical journal" through a personalized space.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Listening in on Social Media Conversations
I find such great stuff on Donald Clark's Big Dog, Little Dog blog. Thanks to Donald for pointing me towards Spy, which allows you to "listen in" on social media conversations by showing threads on a particular topic on Twitter.
Check out the Spy listings for e-learning; or, try another e-learning list through Serph.
Check out the Spy listings for e-learning; or, try another e-learning list through Serph.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
E-Learning and Medicine: A Good Mix? (Yes!)
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