Friday, September 4, 2009

Copyright in Canada: New Responses

Michael Geist, Canada's resident guru on (and, advocate for) the future of Canadian copyright law recently blogged about Project Gutenberg Canada's response that is focused on public domain issues.

You can access the Speak Out on Copyright website by clicking on this image:

For those in the education/e-learning community who are following the ongoing debate about copyright legislation in Canada, you might be interested in this response from the Canadian Network for Innovation in Education:

CNIE Response to Federal Copyright
August 2009
See the full PDF here.

After consulting with it's membership, CNIE's Board of Directors submitted the attached position paper to the Canadian government's electronic consultation on a future Canadian Copyright law. PLease feel free to share this position paper with your colleagues at work and within your networks so as to encourage others to share their views with the government. You can also share CNIE's position paper with your Member of Parliament. The more people who make themselves heard on the topic of a furture Canadian Copyright Law and it's impact in and on the education, library and research sectors, the more likely Canadians are to have a future Canadian Copyright law that appropriately and adequately responds to the needs of all Canadians.

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